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Revelation of Hope Bible Prophecy Seminar

The Art of End Time Preaching
Coming Soon
This 10-part workshop explores the art of communicating the message of Christ in the context of these last days. This seminar covers…
-The theology of preaching
-The qualifying characteristics of the preacher
-The foundation, focus, framework, and function of the message
-The managing the materials and 13 steps of sermon preparation
-The mechanisms and methods of voice and speech
-Tools of creative language and creative writing
-A critical examination of the preaching content and method of Jesus
-The science of conviction and the art of the appeal
This is a valuable course for the lay preacher and the experienced orator alike.

The Science of Spirit Filled Evangelism
Coming Soon
This course covers the theology, methodology, and practicalities of evangelism. You will learn the ins and outs of the evangelistic cycle, preparing the church for public meetings, organizing an evangelistic team, pre-work and follow-up, the art of soul winning, the qualifications of a successful evangelist, baptism clearing, the management of the money, the science of spiritual synergy, and much more.

Revelation of Hope Seminar
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Revelation of Hope
Bible Prophecy Seminar on DVD

Revelation of Hope Ministries